Red Holstein

The homeland is the Frisian district of the Netherlands. The state of Holstein in Germany has given this racquet a name. Black and white cultivars are cultivated sheep breeds cultivated in milk. The types of Holstein breeds in the Netherlands show an etiologic structure. But the types in America are mostly milk-like. The length is longer than all dairy breeds. The skin is thin and soft, with vertical folds in its length. It has a solid bone structure. In Holstein cows, the mammals are large, soft and well shaped. It connects to the bottom of the abdomen and to the back in a straight line.

Holstein cows are inseminated with meat bolls because of the decrease in milk cows in Europe. (Belgian Blue, Charolais) Thus, the meat characteristics are very high.

The race is good for cold conditions and poor for adhering to hot climates.

The live weight of Holstein cows is about 750-800 kg. Cidago height is 145-156 cm. Bulls can reach 1000kg live weight. It can give 7000-11000 kg of milk. The mean milk yield in lactation (305 days) is an average of 8.000 kg per year. The oil ratios are & lt; 49 & gt; The most productive times are in the first 6 years.